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Thursday 13 June 2013

Do we take special effects for granted?

       I’ve only just got around to watching Oz the Great and Powerful, because everyone said it was shit. But as I was watching it half-arsed I got really into it. Probably had something to do with Mila Kunis being on my screen and, well, me being male. But I got really into it and I thought the special effects were very well done, and I was still strangely attracted to Kunis,  even when she had a weird green fucked up face, but don’t judge.

                                                             Marry Me?

    The point I’m trying to make is that when The Wizard of Oz came out in 1939. everybody had a shit fit because of the pretty colours. In the years that followed, technology advanced and colour film became the norm. A few years back we were given the orgasm of CGI, more commonly known as: Avatar. This 3 Dimensional clusterfuck soon became the highest grossing film on its opening weekend EVER. (I read that on the tinter web, so I could be bullshitting.) But anyway, this leads to me to my next point. Oz the Great and Powerful also had a hell of a lot of CGI and… Stuff, and people said it was shit. The effects were just as believable as Cameron’s 8ft blue aliens and nobody that I know even gave a shit. The annoying thing is, Avatar is one of the most overrated films I’ve ever seen.

    So, Mr. Overlooked Special effects man. Here's what I've got to say to you:


Monday 25 March 2013

Prepare to shit your pants.

I’m not really that into scary films. Mainly because I’m atheist so I don’t find a lot of contemporary horror films scary, because they’re all about the devil and all that “stuff”. But I’ve recently been politely re-introduced to shitting my pants. The only film that genuinely scared me before was John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)

    The film I’m talking about here is Sinister (Scott Derrickson, 2012). I went to watch this in the cinema with a big group of guys, so you can imagine the kind of grief I got for acting like a little girl in the cinema. But put my shattered masculinity to one side for a second and hear me out. The thing that really got me scared was the soundtrack. Its creepy as fuck. Have a listen: 

                    Aren't you glad you listened to that? No? Me either. 

Just listen to the soundtrack when you’re on your own at night at some point. I guarantee you’ll get freaked the fuck out. There are some genuine scares and decent plot twists in the film, and Ethan Hawke has a pretty good "Oh shit, I'm fucked" kind of role, and pulls it off well, and once you’ve got the image of “Mr. Boogie” in your head, you’re scarred for life. 

      I bet he's a nice guy once you get to know him. 
Y'know, after he's slaughtered your entire family and stolen your children.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Star Trek: Into Darkness - Official Announcement Trailer

     Judge me all you want, but you gotta' love Star Trek! I wouldn't consider myself as one of the die hard fans who run around in costumes all the time, wanting to make love to Patrick Stewart, but it's a pretty good show. In the trailer I got a glimpse of what I thought was Benedict Cumberbatch who was great in Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy and Stuart: A Life Backwards. So I IMDB'd the shit out of this as soon as I finished watching the trailer, and yeah, it's him!

     On a more obscure note, what is it with films nowadays including EXTREMELY bass heavy music in their soundtracks and musical scores? We got it in The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. It was in Inception and it was in Shutter Island aswell. AND it was in the World War Z trailer (posted below). Everyone has just jumped on this heavy bass soundtrack bandwagon, its probably to make things sound more "epic" and to "immerse" us in these big budget movies. But it just makes me need to take a shit if I'm being honest.

Monday 3 December 2012


So after watching Drive for the 100th time today, I've realised it has become one of my favourite films. And no, it isn't because I've got a man crush on Ryan Gosling... Honest.
       How are men supposed to compete with this guy? Fuck you Ryan Gosling, you and your awesome driving gloves. 

    I didn't even realise this film existed until a few months back (probably because I was broke in 2011 when it was released so I couldn't afford to go to the cinema) But put my financial status to one side for a second and even just listening to the soundtrack you know it's gonna' be a good movie. Reminds me a lot of GTA: Vice City sometimes (Another 18+ rated game I played as a child, which if you haven't played, lets just say murdering members of the public for their money is encouraged.) There's also a fuck tonne of violence in Drive as well which caught me off guard a bit. So if you're a bit of a wuss when it comes to seeing a man literally getting his head crushed by Gosling's boot, you might want to give this one a miss and go watch Finding Nemo or something.

    No wonder this won Best Director at Cannes, (thanks, IMDB) the way it's put together keeps you wondering where the hell the film is going, and Gosling puts in the best acting performance I've seen by him as the nameless hero. So thanks, Drive, you've answered the question of what Blu-Ray movie I can buy my Dad for Christmas, and then steal back a week later and add to my film collection. 

You have to watch this film... NOW

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Its Bane!!

Nice to see we've come a long way since this! The best thing about the latest Batman trilogy isn't the multi-million dollar budget or the all star cast and crew, its that we can't see Christian Bale's nipples through his batsuit.

                                     Come on guys, it's cold okay?

World War Z Official Movie Trailer

Not to sound like a know it all and say it won't be as good as the book. I'm not THAT guy, don't worry. But it does look like they've just used the name of the book and made a zombie film. But still, Brad Pitt leading in the movie of my favourite book?