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Thursday 6 December 2012

Star Trek: Into Darkness - Official Announcement Trailer

     Judge me all you want, but you gotta' love Star Trek! I wouldn't consider myself as one of the die hard fans who run around in costumes all the time, wanting to make love to Patrick Stewart, but it's a pretty good show. In the trailer I got a glimpse of what I thought was Benedict Cumberbatch who was great in Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy and Stuart: A Life Backwards. So I IMDB'd the shit out of this as soon as I finished watching the trailer, and yeah, it's him!

     On a more obscure note, what is it with films nowadays including EXTREMELY bass heavy music in their soundtracks and musical scores? We got it in The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. It was in Inception and it was in Shutter Island aswell. AND it was in the World War Z trailer (posted below). Everyone has just jumped on this heavy bass soundtrack bandwagon, its probably to make things sound more "epic" and to "immerse" us in these big budget movies. But it just makes me need to take a shit if I'm being honest.

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